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NYSED Parent Dashboard

NYSED parent dashboard logo

The New York State Education Department designed the Parent Dashboard to be an informative and user-friendly way for parents and the public to access information about New York State schools. Check out the Parent Dashboard here:


For new student registration, please click on the enrollment forms below. The forms can be filled out on your computer, or you can print and fill them out by hand. For elementary students in grades UPK-6, you will also need to complete the dismissal form, which is at the end of the enrollment forms packet.

Once these forms are completed, please call Sidney Central School District Registrar Tammy Osborne at 607-561-7728 to make an appointment to complete the enrollment. At this appointment you will need to bring the following items:
  • Enrollment forms
  • Birth certificate
  • Immunization record
  • Proof of residency
  • Photo ID (for parent/guardian)
If you are unable to complete the registration process online, please call to have the forms mailed to you. The registrar’s office is at:

Sidney Central School District
95 West Main St.
Sidney, NY 13838


The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Acts is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states for the purpose of supporting district programs that serve homeless students. Under McKinney-Vento and state law, students are considered homeless if they lack a nighttime residence that is fixed, regular, and adequate. To help determine if a student is eligible, the school district asks two questions when a student enrolls:


1) Is your current address a temporary living arrangement?

2) Is this temporary living arrangement due to loss of housing or economic hardship?


If you believe you may qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Act please contact Kerrie Johnston, McKinney-Vento Liaison, at 607-561-7728