Dear Sidney CSD Students & Families:
As we rapidly approach the end of the 2022-23 school year, we wanted to thank all the families for their patience, hard work, and perseverance this past year. It has been a great year filled with learning opportunities, concerts, athletic contests, enrichment opportunities, and so much more! The district is excited to continue all of those things and more going into the 2023-2024 school year. Below are some important dates to help families plan for the end of the school year.
As indicated below, our last day of school will be Friday, June 23, 2023. There are some specifics listed below for the different grade levels.
Sidney Central School District
- Friday, May 26 – Contingency Day - (Unused Emergency Day)
- Monday, May 29–Memorial Day - Holiday Offices Closed
- Monday, June 19 – Juneteenth - Holiday Offices Closed
Junior/Senior High School (Grades 7-12)
- Tuesday, June 13 – Last full day of instruction for students in grades 7-12
- Wednesday, June 14- Thursday June 22 - NYSED Regents Exams
- Wednesday, June 14 -Friday, June 16 – 7th & 8th Grade Moving Forward Academy (additional information will follow if applicable)
- Saturday, June 24 – Graduation Ceremony Transportation Center 10:00 a.m.
Elementary School (Grades UPK-6)
- Friday, June 16 – Kindergarten Graduation 9:00 a.m. HS Auditorium
- Tuesday, June 20 – Pre-Kindergarten Graduation 9:00 a.m. Cullman Cottage
- Thursday, June 22 – K-6 End of Year Award Ceremony 8:45 a.m. Alumni Field
- Friday, June 23 – Last full day of instruction for students in grades K-6
We appreciate all the patience, support and understanding our families have demonstrated during the 2022-2023 school year. Please call the Sidney District Office at (607) 561-7700, the Elementary school at (607) 561-7701, or the Junior/Senior High School at (607) 561-7703, should you have any questions.
Eben M. Bullock
Proud Superintendent