Voice Recognition

Sidney Central School District News Article

Sidney CSD Career Day held

The presenters at Career Day

The Sidney Central School District held its Career Day on Tuesday, sponsored by the Sidney Alumni Association, for grades 7-12. 

More than 25 people represented more than 20 professional fields and companies. Most of those in the field were Sidney CSD graduates. 

Three different sessions were held – one each for grades 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. During each session, students had the opportunity to have timed sessions to visit with multiple people. 

The keynote speaker, who opened each session as well as gave closing remarks, was Dr. Mark Montgomery, the interim provost and chief diversity officer at SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Montgomery talked about growing up in poverty, overcoming life struggles, and following dreams. Dreaming, he said, is an important part of life and growth. 

Following Dr. Montgomery’s opening speech, students broke off into group sessions. They had picked career paths of interest to them and they had the chance to speak with professionals to learn more about the career. 

Those who spoke with students, and their careers, were as follows: 

  • Brian Dionne (architect)

  • Lexi Ellis (SFCU)

  • Alex Sheldon (Director of Finance)

  • Jamie Roberts and Cody Lambrecht (Highway Maintenance)

  • Mackenzie Gravelin and Jenna McDonald (Teacher/Coach)

  • Shane Eaton (Attorney)

  • Sue Crawford (Cosmetology)

  • Craig DuMond (Sheriff) 

  • Kyle McMillan (Pharmacist)

  • Sheri Youngs (Amphenol)

  • Helen Harris (Physician Assistant)

  • Cheryl Insinga (Attorney/NYS Supreme Court)

  • Doug Barnard (Military)

  • Matt Vogel (State Trooper)

  • Mary Sullivan and Hilde Savino (Microbiology)

  • Hunter Sowersby (Coach/Personal Trainer)

  • Kevin Greene (Sales Manager)

  • Andy Lee (Geographic Information Systems)

  • Chelsea Rose (Nursing)

  • Corbin Curley (Financial Advisor)

  • Amber Fogarty (Raymond)

  • Dr. Mark Montgomery (Motivation/Decision Making)

  • Omar Siddiqi (Attorney/Law Professor)

A special thank you to everybody who took part in this wonderful day and and answering all questions from our students! 

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