The Sidney Central School District Board of Education has seven members, each elected to three-year terms. The BOE’s primary role is to establish policies that govern the operation of the district. The BOE is also involved in many other district programs, including budget, financial accountability, facilities, negotiations, and personnel.
Members of the school community, including parents, staff, and community members, are welcome to participate in BOE meetings. Meetings are generally held at 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month in the Jr/Sr high school library. Please visit our
paperless BOE page to view information on past and present meetings. You can access a list of meeting dates by
clicking here.
Requests to address the BOE must be made at least 24 hours prior to a regularly scheduled board of education meeting. Please fill out the form below with your topic/idea/concern, as well as with your name, email, and address.
Before bringing a concern to the BOE, all parties should first attempt to resolve the issues through the district’s chain of command. This begins with staff members, followed by building principals and, finally, the superintendent. Please note: items of a highly personal nature involving personnel, litigation, or particular students can only be discussed during an executive session.