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Sidney central
School District
Voice Recognition

Green Thumb

GTGG is Unstoppable!!

Green Thumb Growers Guild is growing like a weed.  Our picture galleries below feature our activities.

Photo Galleries for 2014-2015

  • Construction Camp
  • Healthy Eating I
  • Session Four - Nature Walk - 2014/15
  • Session One - Garden Tour - 2014/15
  • Session Two - Saving Seeds - 2014/15

Garden Harvest Photos

Eat Smart NY

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Green Thumb Growers learn to eat smart with Cornell Cooperative Extension's Amy Van Alstyne
Welcome to the Green Thumb Growers Guild 2013-2014 Photo Gallery.  Also check out other galleries on this page.  Enjoy!!
 During each class, students pass around the camera and document their work.  All of the pictures in this slideshow were taken by Green Thumb members.

Trip to Page Seed Company

Contact Us!

Comment Form
Want to be a volunteer with the Green Thumb Growers Guild?  Have something you'd be willing to share with kids about plants or nature?  Leave a message here and we'll get in contact with you.

Are you interested in volunteering for the Green Thumb Growers Guild?
Do you have a farm or a garden that Green Thumb Growers members could visit?
If you have something you could teach or demonstrate, please describe it. For example, do you do canning or food preservation, know something about medicinal herbs, have experience with bees or maple syrup? We'd love to invite you to come talk to us. Show us something you know.
Please leave any additional comment or message here.
Your Name:
Your Email:
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To validate your submission, please type the answer to the question.

Green Thumb is Growing UP!

Green Thumb Growers Guild   We will be composting food from the cafeteria, growing food for school lunches, preparing food for others using fresh veggies from local farms, and teaching and sharing with others what we learn.  Join us.  Parents and students, if you are interested in joining GTGG, please contact us at [email protected].  Leave your name and some contact info, and we will get back to you.
Green Thumb Growers Guild is a horticultural education program that meets as part of the afterschool enrichment programs at Sidney Elementary School.  Students who participate experience anything and everything having to do with growing and using plants (and fungi).  The Green Thumb Growers Guild began in October 2013 with 15 members.  We use the outdoor garden lab behind the elementary, classroom space for crafting projects, the nature trail for collecting and observing, and the greenhouse at the High School for starting seeds and experimenting.  Like the plants and gardens, we are growing as an organization.  Join us!!

Presentation to the Hill and Valley Garden Club of Sidney

Sidney Farm To Table Presentation

Presentation to School Board - Wellness Committee

November 15,2016