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Voice Recognition

Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Classroom Curriculum

Throughout the year the school counselors visit classrooms to teach students concepts and skill that set the foundation for future success in students. Strengthening student social and emotional development is at the very huge part of school counseling. This year Social/Emotional Learning  is a specials class for grade K-4. Class is held  every  4 days on a rotation schedule. Below are some of the topics taught in the classrooms.

Communication Skills

  • Using manners
  • Listening/Active listening
  • Interacting with peers
  • Interacting with adults
  • general conversation skills
  • difference between tattling and telling

Academic Skills

  • Note taking
  • Completing assignments
  • Study skills
  • Staying on task
  • Organization
  • Time management

Friendship Skills

  • Share, trade, taking turns
  • Personal space
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to self
  • Including others
  • Accepting no

Personal Skills

  • Anger management techniques
  • Self control
  • Decision making
  • Accepting consequences
  • Being held accountable for actions
  • Personal Body Safety 
  • Walker/Biker Safety 


Small Group Instruction

As a part of our comprehensive school counseling program, we are excited to introduce small groups to the curriculum. The purpose of group is to promote and enhance student achievement. Counselors create activities outside of the classroom to address particular student needs. Groups are held once a week for duration of 30 minutes.

Group descriptions:

Stop, Think, Go! - We will work on conflict resolution skills. We will identify coping strategies for anger and identify physical and emotional precursors to anger.

Self-Esteem - We will discuss the meaning of self-esteem. We will talk about body image and self-identity. Students will identify personal strengths. Other discussions will include communication skills and understanding emotions.

Transitioning – We will identify healthy coping strategies for transitioning from elementary to junior high school. We will normalize the anxiety and emotions related to new transitions.

Study Skills - We will discuss the importance of studying. We will identify study methods (flash cards, highlighting, schedules, and using checklists).

Social Skills- Identifying school etiquette (classroom, halls, and cafeteria). Identifying how to make and keep friends, developing empathy, conversational skills, interpersonal skill, knowledge on self-control, resolving conflicts, listening actively and personal space.

Friendship - We will discuss the meaning of a good friend. We will talk about how to make and maintain friendship. We will work on sharing, taking turns and conversation skills.